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Frequently Asked

Contact admin@networked.site

Although consistency in using the platform is typically key in setting meetings, sometimes there may be other factors that are deterring prospects from replying to your messages:

  • Does your message prompt a response? This may seem like a silly question, however a lot of mistakes we see in clients is that their initial message to their prospect doesn’t require a response. We encourage having an initial message that is more personable, and begins with a question. It can be something as simple as "Hey, ____! How is 2024 going for you so far?"
  • Is your linked in updated? If you plan on using linked in to source prospects, you must consider what they see when they click on your profile. Is your headshot up to date? Do you have a cover photo? Is your about section and your profile up to date? Have you posted recently? All of these are factors that play a role into whether or not the prospect may reply.
  • Are you connecting with prospects that may find you relevant? When using Networked to source prospects, you must consider the audience you are reaching out to. Is this audience active on linked in/ will they even check your message? Do you have any commonalities with this prospect that would make them more eager to reply (alma mater, location, etc)?

Just like prospecting in the real world, consistency is key. By allowing Networked to send connections and messages each day, the number of meetings you set will gradually increase over time. Although some advisors experience sets right away, 3 months is typically the time frame it takes to start seeing a more consistent influx of meetings.

Compliance Friendly

Our team works closely with compliance within the financial advising space to insure we are implementing successful strategies to create a safe environment for communication for both clients and advisors.


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